Сapacity building conference: Real Estate Internet Marketing
Academy of Real Estate supported by PROestate Events invite to participate in the capacity building conference: Real Estate Internet Marketing.
Date and time: May 18, 2017 at 11.00 – 15.30
Venue: OraculeTangSpace
Address: Doma laukums 2, Riga
Capacity-building conference: Real estate Internet marketing will convene directors and heads of development companies strategic departments, marketing managers, industry-oriented mass media and companies interested in promotion of their services and goods for real estate market. Conference participants will learn the most efficient solutions for everyday business practices. The first part of the conference will focuce on the latest advanced technologies, formats and services for communication strategy and internet promotion on the modern market. Professional workshops of the leading experts will be held during the second part of the event.
11:00 – 11:30 Participants’ registration
11:30 – 13:30 Part 1 – Expert panel Real estate in digital space: zones of productive influence
- Internet trends and latest digital technologies in real estate marketing: channels, services, frameworks
- Video content as a main means of modern internet-marketing. Development of attractive, informative and powerful video content
- Use of social media to sell real estate properties.
- Efficient online instruments for developers: how to understand the difference and choose optimal strategies for online marketing?
- Communication strategies to analyse customer preferences, work with target audience and increase conversion
- Research of efficient marketing channels for real estate. Cross-Platform Analytics
Anna Shishkina, Commercial Director, MIEL- Novostroiki
Aemen Khalatyan, Founder and Head, Riga municipality portal – Riga.lv
Alexey Avdeev, commercial director, Calltouch
Anton Kovalevsky, Founder, Creative Agency “Yellow Banana”
Maksim Volodin, Head, SMM-department of Molinos
Ieva Treija, Director, Marketingfans.lv
Anna Shishkina |
Aemen Khalatyan |
Alexey Avdeev Calltouch |
Anton Kovalevsky Yellow Banana |
Maksim Volodin |
Ieva Treija |
13:30 – 14:00 Business lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Part 2: Master-classes block
Master-class: 3d technology for developers
- 3d-apartment is more than a layout on the web site or 360 Panoramic Virtual Tour
- Layout as an instrument for lead generation. Specific characteristics for apartments with finishing
- Mobile apps for developers and their role in sales cycle
- 3d layouts as an efficient instrument for real estate agents
- VR: expectations and reality. What really works?
- Standard of apartment sales in 2017-2018
Aleksey Yezhikov, director for B2B, Planoplan™
Aleksey Yezhikov |
* the program is subject to updates
Nikita Kisel
+7 (495) 651-61-05 (ext. 303)
Dmitry Shapovalov
+7 (495) 651-61-05 (ext. 301)
Mass media:
Irina Voronina
+7 (495) 651-61-05 (ext. 305)
Olga Goltsova
+7 (495) 651-61-05 (ext. 304