PROEstate 2014: Facility management workshop “School of management”

PROEstate 2014: Facility management workshop “School of management”

Participant of PROEstate conference program will be able to participate in a number of events within Facility management workshop “School of management”.
According to MarketsAndMarkets and their research Worldwide Market Forecasts and Analysis, facility management market will increase from $24,65 bln (data in 2014) to $43,69 bln by 2019.
Quality of facility management in Russia is quite low. However, the situation is slowly improving.
PROEstate 2014 will host several events where experts from the leading management companies will share their experience on the following issues: how to attract more lessees to business and retail centers and raise revenue, how to increase quality of facility management services. These and other related problems will be discussed on September 10, 2014. Conference participants will learn about certain measures which increase exploitation efficiency and create residents’ loyalty.